fasting mimicking diet do it yourself

What is the fasting mimicking diet? 

The fasting mimicking diet is a keto like diet that restricts your calorie intake to around a thousand calories for the first week. so in other words you're eating low carb and high fat but also at the same time monitoring your calorie intake not to exceed 1000 calories per day on the first week.

 What to eat? 

 Nut butter bars - You can easily go to your local supermarket and buy Nut Butter suck peanut butter and macadamia nut butter cashew butter and make your own nut butter bars or you can buy commercially made bars like perfect bar at your local grocery store.

 Omega-3 oils - Omega-3 oils are a must you could either get them from a plant-based Source like flaxseed oil or algae oil or you could get an animal base or such as fish oil at your local natural food store. I recommend trying coromega.

 Bone broth - bone broth is good as a sipping / snack to eat when you're hungry on the first week while trying to restrict your calorie intake.

 Vegetable chips - vegetable chips such as kale chips and broccoli chips are a very good choice while on this diet. Find a good branched chain amino acid supplement! This will keep you full longer and prevent you from losing muscle mass.


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